All fiction editing services are based upon page count. A page consists of typed, double-spaced text in 12-point font (Times New Roman or Courier New) with 1-inch margins and normal paragraph indent text. As a general rule, only manuscripts in Microsoft Word will be accepted for editing.
The same format is preferred for nonfiction editing services. However, it is understood that occasionally a different format will be necessary depending on the nature of the document.
Contractual Process
A typical contractual process for an edit will go as follows.
Editor develops a letter of agreement outlining type of edit, number of pages, and completion deadline. Client signs, scans, and emails editor this letter. Editor signs, scans, and returns a copy of the letter for the client's files.
Editor invoices the client for 50% of the fee. (All invoices and payment are sent through Paypal.) Client pays this 50% advance fee before any editing work begins.
Client sends the editor the correctly formatted manuscript, and the editor completes the edit requested.
Editor returns the completed manuscript by the deadline specified, and editor sends the invoice for the final 50% of the fee.
Client pays the 50% final fee. This process must be completed in its entirety before taking on any new copy.
Normally a manuscript is edited in its entirety. However, if a chapter-by-chapter contractual basis is preferred by the client, the editor may be able to accommodate that request. In that case, a separate contractual process following steps 1-5 above will be completed for each chapter before the next chapter’s edit begins. Note that the Manuscript Critique cannot be performed on a chapter-by-chapter basis due to the encompassing nature of the critique.
Deadlines are negotiated between client and editor and depend on the preferences of the client, condition of the manuscript, and pre-existing contracts with other clients. Rush work by a certain date may be accommodated for a commensurate increase in price.